Stuff Tourists Like # 3


Stuff Tourists Like # 3

This is the peak season for Tourists : dear Nouillorqueur, I am sure your couch is booked till Labor Day ( and trust me I feel your pain…), and  just in case you were wondering how they would spend their day in NYC, I can bet you that they will end up in 2 spots :

Tourists Like to Stop in the middle of a street : Move to the side

Using a Pedicab to get to the Apple Store

this is a no-no using a pedicab is a tourist thing, no New Yorker would ever do that.

Apple Store : la tourneee des grands ducs

Oh lawwwd , where to start ??? I guess with the iPad crazyness, I can tell you  I have already  shipped several of those giant iPhones to the motherland, and thank you Steve for releasing the iPhone 4 in France at the same time as here …and even if we have 4 Apple stores in NYC, this not a reason to go to every single one and compare the price with the euro/dollar rate, because at the end, it is gonna be hard to carry your 27 inches iMac in your luggage back to France.

So of course , Thank you Steve, with the new Mac Book Air at $999 and 999 euros in Europe, I am gonna have a lot of orders as the Euro /Dollar rate is around 1.40 …